Spectral Defender

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NeutralSpectral Defender
Image of Spectral Defender
Gender Both
Race Human (Undead)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Eastern Plaguelands

Spectral Defenders are human ghosts located in the Eastern Plaguelands.

They fight Spectral Betrayers during N [15-30] Villains of Darrowshire.


  • Ability defend.png Shield Block — Increases the caster's chance to block by 75% for 5 sec, but will only block 1 attack.
  • Ability rogue ambush.png Strike — Strikes at an enemy, inflicting weapon damage plus additional damage.


  • Fight for your families! Don't give up!
  • Fight! Fight for Darrowshire!
  • If we fall, then Darrowshire is doomed!
  • Our captain has fallen!
  • The Alliance has abandoned us!
  • We must stop these villains!
  • Where is the Silver Hand? We need their help!

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