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Soulstalker V'lara

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MobSoulstalker V'lara
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Gender Male
Race Maw guard (Humanoid)
Level 61 Rare Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Status Killable

Soulstalker V'lara is a Maw guard located in Torghast, Tower of the Damned.


  • Ability rogue shadowdance.png Dance of Shadows — The caster vanishes into shadows and teleports around a target, inflicting Physical damage with many attacks.
  • Ability creature poison 03.png Lethargic Toxin — Inflicts Nature damage to an enemy, reducing movement speed by 10% for 12 sec.
  • Spell shadow soulleech 3.png Soul Stab — Stab an enemy in the soul, inflicting Shadow damage and reducing their maximum health by 10% for 10 sec.

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