Soulkeeper (mob)

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For the staff, see  [Soulkeeper].
Image of Soulkeeper
Gender Male
Race Jailer (Demon)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Shadowgore Citadel
Status Killable

The Soulkeeper is a jailer who appears to imprison the rogue player when they attempt to kill Akaari Shadowgore in the Shadowgore Citadel during N Rogue [10-45] Fangs of the Devourer. The rogue is then taken to a holding cell, where they find themselves locked in a cage with the Soulkeeper floating nearby and undergoing a "Focused Trance", the ability description of which reads: "This unit is unaware of his surroundings." Using [Pick Pocket], the rogue is able to obtain the  [Holding Cell Key], escape their cage, reclaim their weapons and break their way out of the holding cell. The rogue can choose to either kill the Soulkeeper or leave him to his trance, as his death is not required to progress through the quest.


  • Inv ember fel.png Drain Life — Leeches the target's life every second.
  • Spell nature sleep.png Focused Trance — This unit is unaware of his surroundings.

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