Sooli the Survivalist

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NeutralSooli the Survivalist
Image of Sooli the Survivalist
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 90
Class Hunter
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Proving Grounds
Status Alive
Companion(s) Speedy

Sooli the Survivalist is a pandaren hunter that helps out during the healer trials.


Speedy and I are at your service.
Hah ha! Wonderful job, everyone! Friend, see Rotun about beginning the next trial.
Low health
Oh, dear! Speedy, help!
Ahh, Illusionary Tunnelers! Speedy and I have faced these foes before. Beware, they may burrow into the ground and then suddenly pop up under a new target, and CHOMP! Hah ha hah ha.
Failure to keep Sooli alive
Argh... please... take care... of Speedy!
There is no end in sight to these illusions, but we shall hold out as long as we can.

Patch changes

External links