Somebody Feed Kevin

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NeutralSomebody Feed Kevin
Start Plague Deviser Marileth [32.9, 56.8]
End Baroness Draka [31.3, 59.5]
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Necrolord Assault
Rewards 25g 74s

Somebody Feed Kevin is a potential quest of the N [60B] Necrolord Assault on Perdition Hold.


Consume 8 fallen enemies to grow Kevin to full size.

  • Fallen enemies consumed by Kevin (8)
  • Return to Plague Deviser Marileth
  • Kevin mounted [32.8, 57.3]
  • Attacking forces repelled (0/100%)


Plague Deviser Marileth

My family of slimes is always hungry for anima, and the bodies of the defeated here are a good source of residual anima.

The more the slimes consume the larger they grow, and what remains of the fallen, become part of our wonderful, happy family!

Take Kevin and let him consume fallen enemies till he is filled, then when he is fully grown, we shall unleash him upon our foes!


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s


Victory will be ours, Maw Walker!


On accept, Kevin will join the Maw Walker as a guardian. Targets for Kevin to consume are inside Perdition Hold, and not on the Face of Oblivion. Kevin will automatically consume any eligible mob.

After consuming all eight, return to Marileth:

Plague Deviser Marileth says: Excellent, now that Kevin is large enough you can clear a path to the Altar of Domination!
Riding the slime

Hop on Kevin. Players are buffed with:

Riding the Slime — Kevin is carrying you, and it tingles.

In the vehicle interface, players have access to two abilities:

  1. Surge — Rush forward, inflicting shadow damage to all enemies in a path 30 yards long. Instant (1.5 sec cooldown)
  2. Rising Bile 5-30 yd range — Inflicts 4,465 Physical damage to enemies within 30 yards. Stuns all enemies within 30 yards, rendering them unable to move or attack for 3 sec. Instant (3 sec cooldown)

Take out everything that moves. Once that's done, turn in to Draka. Once the slime gets close, it will unceremoniously dismount the player, leaving them buffed with:

Riding the Slime — You feel slimy 6 min buff. Changes player appearance to that of a humanoid-shaped slime


N [60B] Necrolord Assault, four of:

Patch changes

External links