Some Reassembly Required

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NeutralSome Reassembly Required
Start Feathers
End Feathers
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Battle Pets
Experience 17,850
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous A [50] Whatever Happened to Saffy Flivvers? /
H [50] Whatever Happened to Grizzek Fizzwrench?
Next N [50] Re-parrot


Collect Mechanical Parts from Venture Co. personnel.


<The word "Feathers" has been etched onto the broken mechanical creature -- the sort of thing the person you are looking for might have created. Collecting the pieces and recreating the mechanical construct will surely give you a clue as to their fate.

The area is crawling with Venture Co. scavengers and goons. Their pockets are probably filled with mechanical bits you could use to fix Feathers.>


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 17,850 XP


<You seem to have collected all the pieces.>


<The pieces go together with some judicious use of applied force and acerbic verbal encouragement. Hopefully the extra pieces you have on hand weren't critical.

The mechanical parrot now hovers unevenly over the sand.>


  1. A [50] Whatever Happened to Saffy Flivvers? / H [50] Whatever Happened to Grizzek Fizzwrench?
  2. N [50] Some Reassembly Required
  3. N [50] Re-parrot
  4. N [50] Return to the Nest
  5. A [50] She's in a Happier Place / H [50] He's Dead, Jastor

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