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Snap Back

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NeutralSnap Back
Start Collector Kojo
End Collector Kojo
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Nazjatar
Experience 17,850
Reputation +75 Tortollan Seekers
Rewards 23g 40s
Next N [50] The Fate of Professor Elryna


Use the Scroll of Busting Power on Snapdragon Terrormaws and slay snapdragons in Nar'anan.


I have a favor to ask of you, if you would be so kind.

Scrollsage Nola gave me this scroll to protect me on my adventures here in Nazjatar. She is a kind soul, but her scroll-work isn't always the most...accurate.

You look like a brave adventurer who's seen a thing or two. Could you test out the scroll for me? While you're there you may as well cull their numbers a tad.


You will receive:


Did you test out the scroll for me?


Wow! That powerful huh?

I will be sure to keep this with me then!


On approach
Collector Kojo says: Come on... blasted thing.
Collector Kojo says: This one is on the fritz... I can't hear a thing. Stupid elven trinkets...
On accept of both
Collector Kojo says: I can't wait to hear about your findings!
Collector Kojo says: Some ancient records I found elsewhere seemed to point towards a wolf population here. I wonder what happened to them...
Collector Kojo says: No matter, they probably all drowned when the city went shell-down.


  1. N [50] Legacy of Nar'anan & N [50] Snap Back
  2. N [50] The Fate of Professor Elryna

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