Snack Time

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NeutralSnack Time
Start Jenova Longeye [57.5, 44.7]
End Jenova Longeye [57.5, 44.7]
Level 10-35
Type Daily
Category The Arboretum
Experience 236000
Reputation +125 Order of the Cloud Serpent
Rewards 19g 84s 50c
Repeatable Yes
Previous N [10-35] It's A...


Fish 10 Sugar Minnow from any fresh or salt water in Pandaria.


Cloud serpents love to eat, and one of their favorite treats is the sugar minnow.

These fish can be found in salt or fresh water anywhere in Pandaria. I trust you have some skill in fishing, and your own fishing pole to catch them?

Bring me some a fresh catch and I'm sure the hungry beasts around here will be very grateful.


You will receive:


Did you find a good place to fish?


Oh wonderful! These fish will do nicely


Pick up N Cooking [10-35 Daily] A Feast for the Senses, N Archaeology [10-35 Daily] Fragments of the Past, N [10-35 Daily] Just a Flesh Wound, and N Fishing [10-35 Daily] Snack Time before heading out.

If you're doing A Feast for the Senses, fish in fresh water - you'll be able to get carp and minnows at the same time.


Patch changes

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