It's A...

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NeutralIt's A...
Start Instructor Skythorn [57.4, 45.0]
End Instructor Skythorn [57.4, 45.0]
Level 10-35
Category Jade Forest
Experience 236000
Reputation +1500 Order of the Cloud Serpent
Rewards 9g 92s 50c
Previous N [10-35] The Rider's Journey
Next Growing dailies


Watch your egg hatch.

  • Egg hatched


Oh my! This egg is going to hatch at any second!

Well, looks like this little guy is eager to meet you.

Are you ready?


You will receive:


What a proud moment for you!


Congratulations! It's a beautiful hatchling of your own.

Please take care of it, <name>.


On accept, a cutscene:

Instructor Skythorn says: Normally, new trainees have a little more time to prepare.
Instructor Skythorn says: Unfortunately, your hatchling does not want to wait!
Instructor Skythorn says: I hope your work hard, <name>. To raise a clould serpent is an honor bestowed upon a rare few.
Instructor Skythorn says: It's starting!
The camera pans to the right as the egg in the middle of the pen hatches, revealing the cloud serpent within!


Optional breadcrumb: B [10-35] The Order of the Cloud Serpent

  1. N [10-35] Wild Things
  2. N [10-35] Beating the Odds & N [10-35] Empty Nests & N [10-35] Egg Collection
  3. N [10-35] Choosing the One
  4. N [10-35] The Rider's Journey
  5. N [10-35] It's A...
  6. Get to revered with daily quests and N [10-35] Onyx To Goodness (repeatable)
  7. N [10-35] They Grow Like Weeds (at revered
  8. N [10-35] Flight Training: Ring Round-Up
  9. N [10-35] Flight Training: Full Speed Ahead
  10. N [10-35] Flight Training: In Due Course
  11. Get to exalted with daily quests and N [10-35] Onyx To Goodness (repeatable)
  12. N [10-35] Riding the Skies

Patch changes

External links