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Start Initiate Na'Shra
End Initiate Na'Shra
Level 10-40
Category Frostfire Ridge
Experience 13,970
Rewards 12g 20s
Next H [10-40] Blood Oath of Na'Shra


Use Na'Shra's Mining Pick to collect 20 Fomic Ore.


Stranger! Thank the spirits for them sending you to me now. I am forging a blade and cannot leave it at this delicate state.

But I need more ore to complete this task.

Here, take my mining pick. It is crafted from the teeth and acid of the local goren and will cut through the ore of this area as if it were air.

Bring me the ore and I will lend this blade to your cause.


You will receive:

  • 12g 20s
  • 13,970 XP


The power of a weapon comes both from the test of its metal and the skill of the hands that wield it.


Perfect timing. The steel of the blade is still malleable. A few more strikes and my work shall be complete.


On accept:

Initiate Na'Shra says: Formic ore is tougher than hardened steel. You will need my goren-toothed pick axe to cut through the rock.

Look for Formic Ore Deposits all over the area. Turn back in to her after picking up twenty pieces of ore.

On complete:

Na'Shra finishes crafting her weapon and moves a few paces away from the lava pool.
Weaponsmith Na'Shra says: You now stand before Na'Shra! Weaponsmith of the Frostwolf Clan. For your service, I give you mine.

Beta version

On complete:

Na'Shra finishes crafting her weapon and moves a few paces away from the lava pool.
Blademaster Na'Shra says: You now stand before Na'Shra! Blademaster of the Frostwolf Clan. For your service, I give you mine.

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