Small-time Hustler

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AllianceSmall-time Hustler
Image of Small-time Hustler
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 5-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm, Westfall[49.8, 19.3]

Small-time Hustlers can be found standing standing on a barrel at Furlbrow's Pumpkin Farm, outside the southern gate to Sentinel Hill prior to the Defias Brotherhood attack on that settlement, in Moonbrook and near the entrance to the Deadmines.

They will occasionally say something to the player, possibly dependent on which stage of the Westfall storyline you are on, when approached. This is usually preceded by "Pssst." Despite solicitations to the contrary, they do not actually sell anything. Like other characters in the area, they are neutral rather than friendly toward Alliance players as a result of deteriorating conditions in Westfall and the Brotherhood's efforts under Vanessa VanCleef.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During the Legion Invasions, they could be found injured or being cornered by demons. Saving them would improve the score of defense against the Legion.


  • Pssst...
  • You lookin' for somethin' a little more... exotic?
  • Whaddya need? Information? I got that too!
  • Nice stuff. You must be rich.
  • You need something, <lady/man>?
Legion Invasion
  • Brave of you to come, but we need to leave!

Patch changes

External links