Slimy (ghoul)

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For the snail, see Slimy.
Image of Slimy
Title <Lich King's Minion>
Gender Male
Race Ghoul (Humanoid)
Level 110
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scourge
Location Acherus, Broken Isles[54.8, 29.8]
Status Active

Slimy is a ghoul located in the northeast chamber of the Hall of Command in Acherus: The Ebon Hold. He is a servant of Bolvar Fordragon, the Lich King.


Inv pet dkwhelplingunholy.png [Vilebrood Whelpling]
1000 Order Resources
Inv pet dkwhelplingfrost.png [Frostbrood Whelpling]
1000 Order Resources
Inv pet dkwhelplingblood.png [Bloodbrood Whelpling]
1000 Order Resources

In order to purchase from Slimy, you must have completed N Death Knight [45] The Lost Glacier.


Patch changes

External links