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Image of Sli'thrus
Title <Nazeshi Jailer>
Gender Male
Race Naga lord (Humanoid)
Level 10-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Nazeshi
Location Dreadpearl Cavern, Zuldazar
Status Killable

Sli'thrus is a naga lord located in the Dreadpearl Cavern in Zuldazar.


  • Inv misc net 01.png Barbed Net — Hurl a barbed net onto an enemy, immobilizing them and inflicting physical damage over 3 sec.
  • Spell holy fistofjustice.png Subdue — The caster throws wild punches for 3 sec in an attempt to subdue his prey, inflicting Physical damage and reducing the target's movement speed by 20%.

Objective of


This cove belongs to Tidemistress Nazesh! We will unlock what has been hidden in Zuldazar!
You are nothing...

Patch changes

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