Slate Quicksand

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NeutralSlate Quicksand
Image of Slate Quicksand
Title <Arch Geomancer>
Gender Male
Race Earthen (Humanoid)
Level 30-35 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Arch geomancer
Location Quaking Fields, Deepholm[30.7, 77.9]

Slate Quicksand is an earthen quest giver found at the Quaking Fields in Deepholm.



  • When Deathwing destroyed the World Pillar, he broke open a rift between your world and ours. These spores and fungi are one consequence.
Let's see if we can deal with them together.
If they do, they will steal the middle fragment of the World Pillar.
Main article: The Quaking Fields (quest)#Notes
Main article: One With the Ground#Notes
Main article: Sprout No More#Notes
Main article: Down Into the Chasm#Notes

Patch changes

External links