Sister Hilga

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MobSister Hilga
Image of Sister Hilga
Gender Female
Race Witch (Humanoid)
Level 20-60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Heartsbane Coven
Location Arom's Crossing, Drustvar
Status Killable

Sister Hilga is a witch located in Arom's Crossing in Drustvar.


  • Spell mage runeofpower.png Explosive Rune — Draws an unstable rune underneath the target. After 2 sec, the rune explodes, inflicting Spellshadow damage to all enemies within 3 yards.
  • Spell shadow painspike.png Ruinous Bolt — Fires a bolt of crippling energy, inflicting 250 Shadow damage to the target.

Objective of


Mother will be pleased with the power from this stone!
My sisters... will have... the stone's power!

Patch changes

External links