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Start Sinkeeper Mourana
End Sinkeeper Mourana
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Revendreth
Experience 7,750
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] Bell of Remembrance


Use the  [Bell of Remembrance] to beckon a soul from the Crypt of the Forgotten. Then, deem the soul's fate.


This is a Bell of Remembrance. Before the recent... "events" we used them to beckon souls from the Crypt of the Forgotten to deem their fate.

If they are less arrogant than they were before, they may continue in the process. If not, they must spend additional time in the crypt.

Let's put this one to use, shall we? It's pretty beat up, lets hope we can get at least one use out of it.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 7,750 XP


Let's put this bell to use.


Thank you, <name>. You have helped that soul, even if it does not feel like it.


On accept
Sinkeeper Mourana says: Ring the bell, <name>. It will call to a soul who needs to be processed.
Bell rung
Forgotten Soul says: Why do you call?

A soul emerges from the crypt. Speak to it:

Is it you who is going to decide my fate?
Gossip Forgotten one. How do you see yourself?

Its response can be one of the following:

  • I am broken and forgotten. But that is not the end of my tale.
  • I no longer define my worth by the judgment of others. To walk my own path is my destiny.
  • The cosmos is infinite. I am but a speck of dust on its grand tapestry.
  • The crimes I committed on the mortal realm haunt me. I seek repentance.
  • Ha. How do you see me, mortal? I will be reborn. The Shadowlands will fear my name.
  • Insolent peasant. Speak to me with dignity. I used to be worshiped!
  • <The Forgotten Soul turns their head, refusing to speak.>
  • Those venthyr couldn't break me if they tried. I razed entire nations in the name of my king. I will endure.
Gossip You are too arrogant to proceed. Back into the crypt with you.
Gossip You have improved greatly. Take this one to the Accuser for further repentance.

If you choose the first option, the soul will return to the crypt and say one of the following:

  • What?! I thought I had improved...
  • You'll regret this. Damn you!

If you choose the second option:

One of the two Crypt Watchers escorts the soul away.
Crypt Watcher says: Come with me, forgotten one. The Accuser will help elevate you even further.

Additionally, Sinkeeper Mourana's response will change based on how your answer relates to the soul's dialogue. This has no effect on the quest.

  • Sinkeeper Mourana says: I deemed their fate the same. Excellent intuition, <name>.
  • Sinkeeper Mourana says: Unorthodox decision. I'll trust your judgment this time, <name>.


  1. N [60] Bell of Remembrance
  2. N [60] Sinkeeper

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