Simple Sigil

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The Simple Sigil is given to starting night elf warriors.


This item is the Quest Item for the quest A IconSmall NightElf Male.gifIconSmall NightElf Female.gif Warrior [3] Simple Sigil which starts with Ilthalaine in Shadowglen in Teldrassil.


I hope my sigil finds you well, <class>. I write to you because our people have need for those strong with the blade, the glaive, and all other weapons. So much has happened since our people have been reintroduced to the other races of Azeroth that we have an even greater need for protectors of all kinds.

This is where you come in. I would tell you more, but I feel it should be in person. Find me inside Aldrassil... on the lower levels.

-Alyissia, Warrior Trainer

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