Sikari the Mistweaver

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NeutralSikari the Mistweaver
Image of Sikari the Mistweaver
Gender Female
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 1-70
Class Monk
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Proving Grounds
Status Alive

Sikari the Mistweaver is a pandaren that helps out during the tank trials.


  • Spell arcane arcanetorrent.png Focused Chi Burst — Focuses chi energy and then hurls it at a high health enemy target.
  • Ability monk cracklingjadelightning.png Crackling Jade Thunderstorm — Channels a jade thunderstorm for 5 sec, shooting lightning at enemies every 0.2 sec.


  • Greetings. I am Sikari, master of jade lightning, chi, and healing mists. For this trial, you must protect me from the incoming illusions, while I heal you and dispatch our foes.
  • Illusionary Rippers approaching. They should pose little challenge; they are but mindless grunts.
  • Illusionary Foragers are attacking. Do not let their cute faces fool you. They can work together to cause terrible devastation.
  • Greetings, again. Our next trial will be more challenging. Prepare to defend me.
  • A new enemy, Illusionary Flamecallers. They cast fireballs and spew lava. Use the lava to your advantage; it will burn the other illusions.
  • Beware! Illusionary Wind-Guards can use their wings to knock you back. When they do, they will likely switch to attacking me instead.
  • Once again, you must defend me. Rotun, give us a challenge this time.
  • Illusionary Ambushers! Get their attention, quick. And get them away from me, so they cannot hit me with their devastating bananas!
  • Prepare your defenses. That is an Illusionary Conqueror! When they become enraged, they gain great strength, and nothing can stop them.
While our end is inevitable, let us try to take as many of them down with us as we can. Be ready.
Standing in fire
What are you standing in? Get out of the fire!
Illusions attack her
Help! Get these things off of me!
Failure to keep yourself alive
Ahh, I cannot heal through that much damage! Did you forget to equip your heaviest armor?!
Failure to keep Sikari alive
I am down. Maybe I should bring more healing herbs for next time.


Patch changes

External links