Shipment to Stormwind

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AllianceShipment to Stormwind
Start William Pestle
End Morgan Pestle
Level 7 (Requires 4)
Category Elwynn Forest
Experience 800 EXP (or 4s 80c at level 70)

 [Oil of Olaf]  [Explosive Rocket]

 [Elixir of Lion's Strength]
3s 50c
Previous A [1-30] Kobold Candles


Bring  [William's Shipment] to Morgan Pestle in the Stormwind Trade District.


My brother Morgan is waiting in Stormwind for my shipment of candles. I don't have enough time to make the trip myself, but if you'd like to take him the shipment, he'll pay you well. I've packed up the candles, and you can find Morgan in our shop, Pestle's Apothecary, in the Stormwind Trade District.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv potion 12.png [Oil of Olaf] Inv ammo bullet 01.png [Explosive Rocket]
Inv potion 56.png [Elixir of Lion's Strength]

You will also receive:3s 50c


Oh, a shipment from my brother?  Splendid!  Fortune truly shines on me today!


Here is your payment ... and while you're here, take a look around!  I'm sure we have a potion or other trinket you'd find useful.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


  1. A [1-30] Kobold Candles
  2. A [7] Shipment to Stormwind

External links

es:Misión:Un envío para Ventormenta