Shinbone Slim

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NeutralShinbone Slim
Image of Shinbone Slim
Title <Food and Attire>
Gender Female
Race Maldraxxi skeleton (Undead)
Level 53-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Wrangler Pit, Maldraxxus

Shinbone Slim is a Maldraxxi skeleton located in the Wrangler Pit in Maldraxxus.


Inv drink 32 disgustingrotgut.png [Beetle Juice]
2g 12s 50c
Inv misc food 77.png [Boiled Meat]
2g 12s 50c
Inv drink 23.png [Bone Apple Tea]
3g 18s 75c
Trade archaeology skullmug.png [Cranial Concoction]
2g 12s 50c
Inv helmet 50.png [Dundae's Hat]
21g 25s
Inv misc bone 01.png [Roasted Marrow Bones]
2g 12s 50c
Inv misc food 48.png [Tauralus Bone Marrow]
3g 18s 75c
Inv misc bone 10.png [Tea Bones]
3g 18s 75c



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