Sharptalon Hatchling

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NeutralSharptalon Hatchling
Image of Sharptalon Hatchling
Race Falcosaur (Critter)
Level 25
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Val'sharah

Sharptalon Hatchlings are of the viridian sharptalon species of falcosaur.

Pet Journal

"Sharptalon falcosaurs can subsist entirely on a diet of small nuts and berries, and use their talons mostly for defense."


Sharptalon Swarm! This pet can be picked up from Orphaned Sharptalon in Val'sharah after killing the Sharptalon Matriarch. The food it wants is  [Dried Bilberries].


flying Flying: Gains 50% extra speed while above 50% health.
+50% damage from Magic -33% damage from Beast
Level 1 Level 2 Level 4
[Falcosaur Swarm!] [Wild Winds] [Predatory Strike]
▲▼ ▲▼ ▲▼
[Savage Talon] [Rip] [Warning Squawk]
Level 10 Level 15 Level 20


Bloodgazer Hatchling
  1. N [45] Raising Your Bloodgazer
  2. A [45] The Smell of Draenei / H [45] The Smell of Blood Elves
  3. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Erudite Manafiend
  4. N [45] Allies in Azsuna
  5. N [45] Bloodgazer Team Up
  6. N [45] Dangerous Prey
  7. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Fledgling Kingfeather
  8. N [45] The Unfavorable Faction
  9. N [45] Bloodgazer Bonding
  10. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Juvenile Scuttleback
  11. N [45] Teamwork Lesson: Serpentrix
  12. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Felspider
  13. N [45] Teamwork Lesson: Skorpyron
  14. N [45] Bloodgazer Team Rumble
  15. N [45] Bloodgazer Reunion
Direbeak Hatchling
  1. N [45] Raising Your Direbeak
  2. A [45] The Smell of Dwarves / H [45] The Smell of Tauren
  3. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Rose Taipan
  4. N [45] Allies in Stormheim
  5. N [45] Direbeak Team Up
  6. N [45] Dire Prey
  7. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Tiny Apparition
  8. N [45] The Unkindly Faction
  9. N [45] Direbeak Bonding
  10. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Golden Eaglet
  11. N [45] Teamwork Lesson: Fenryr
  12. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Stormstruck Beaver
  13. N [45] Teamwork Lesson: Krosus
  14. N [45] Direbeak Team Rumble
  15. N [45] Direbeak Reunion
Sharptalon Hatchling
  1. N [45] Raising Your Sharptalon
  2. A [45] The Smell of Night Elves / H [45] The Smell of Undead
  3. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Spring Strider
  4. N [45] Allies in Val'sharah
  5. N [45] Sharptalon Team Up
  6. N [45] Destructive Prey
  7. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Terror Larva
  8. N [45] The Uncongenial Faction
  9. N [45] Sharptalon Bonding
  10. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Auburn Ringtail
  11. N [45] Teamwork Lesson: Dresaron
  12. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Vale Flitter
  13. N [45] Teamwork Lesson: Xavius
  14. N [45] Sharptalon Team Rumble
  15. N [45] Sharptalon Reunion
Snowfeather Hatchling
  1. N [45] Raising Your Snowfeather
  2. A [45] The Smell of Humans / H [45] The Smell of Orcs
  3. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Northern Hawk Owls
  4. N [45] Allies in Highmountain
  5. N [45] Snowfeather Team Up
  6. N [45] Deadly Prey
  7. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Spiketail Beaver
  8. N [45] The Unfriendly Faction
  9. N [45] Snowfeather Bonding
  10. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Mudshell Conch
  11. N [45] Teamwork Lesson: Naraxas
  12. N [45] Hunting Lesson: Coralback Fiddler
  13. N [45] Teamwork Lesson: Ursoc
  14. N [45] Snowfeather Team Rumble
  15. N [45] Snowfeather Reunion


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