Sharing the Faith (Stormwind)

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For other uses, see Sharing the Faith.
AllianceSharing the Faith
Start Bishop Farthing
End Bishop Farthing
Level 5 (Requires 5)
Category Priest
Races IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Dwarf
IconSmall Human Male.gifIconSmall Human Female.gif Human
Class Priest Priest


Meditate on the Light, then pray with the kneeling elf to share your meditations.


The Light calls us to justice and protection, but also compassion. Our allies are strangers in our lands and we have a duty to teach them our ways.
This Night Elf seeks the Light, but is struggling in his meditation. Would you assist him?


Yes, <name>?


The Light works its blessings through you, <name>. Honor it by continuing to share your wisdom with supplicants you meet in your travels.

Patch changes

External links