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Shadowguard Dispersion (quest)

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NeutralShadowguard Dispersion
Start Alleria Windrunner
End Alleria Windrunner
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Eredath
Reputation +150 Army of the Light
Rewards Eredath Missions
Previous N [45] Relics of the Ancient Eredar
Next N [45] Hindering the Legion War Machine


Use the Scouting Map and complete the mission, "Shadowguard Dispersion".


Lend me the aid of your order once again, that we might end the Shadowguard threat permanently. While you confront the Legion, we will face the void. The attack commences once your forces arrive.


You will learn the following: Eredath Missions


Yes, <name>?


With L'ura defeated, and the voidcallers eliminated, the Shadowguard's dominance over the city has been crippled. If our campaign against the Legion is successful, there could be a future for the creatures living here.



Once you have turned the quest in to Alleria Windrunner, dock the Vindicaar at the Antoran Wastes so you can pick up the next quest in the chain from Turalyon.



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