Shadowblade's Lesson

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Shadowblade's Lesson
Inv alchemist 81 spiritedalchemiststone.png
  • Shadowblade's Lesson
  • Rogue anima power
  • Subtlety Subtlety
    Gain the Vigor talent.

    If you already have this talent, you may select another talent in the same row.

    Outlaw Outlaw
    Gain the Iron Stomach talent.

    If you already have this talent, you may select another talent in the same row.

    Assassination Assassination
    Gain the Leeching Poison talent.

    If you already have this talent, you may select another talent in the same row.
Class Rogue
Quality Rare
Affects [Vigor]

Shadowblade's Lesson is an anima power obtained from anima caches in Torghast, Tower of the Damned.

Patch changes

External links