Category:Rare anima powers
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Pages in category "Rare anima powers"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 384 total.
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- Abundance of Phantasma
- Ancient Prolegomenon
- Animate Armaments
- Arcanic Pulse Detector
- Archdruid's Cypher
- Archdruid's Gift
- Archdruid's Invocation
- Archdruid's Lesson
- Archdruid's Mythos
- Archmage's Cypher
- Archmage's Gift
- Archmage's Invocation
- Archmage's Lesson
- Archmage's Mythos
- Art of Phantasmal Healing
- Ascendant's Accelerando
- Backup Poison Injectors
- Bad Karma
- Band of Deep Burns
- Baroness' Lost Plagueloop
- Battlelord's Cypher
- Battlelord's Gift
- Battlelord's Invocation
- Battlelord's Legacy
- Battlelord's Lesson
- Battlelord's Mythos
- Belt of the Mawsworn Avenger
- Blackened Boulder
- Blade of the Lifetaker
- Blade of the Tideskorn
- Bladed Bulwark
- Blessing of Ahune
- Blindfold of Focus
- Blood-soaked Bow String
- Blood-Tinged Teeth
- Bloody Thorn Stalk
- Bombardier's Etching
- Bone Borrower
- Bone Harvester
- Bottle of Sanguine Ichor
- Bottled Enigma
- Bottomless Chalice
- Boundless Fortitude
- Brittle Bone Dust
- Broken Mirror (anima power)
- Broker's Purse
- Cadaverous Cleats
- Calculated Assault
- Calibrated Sextant
- Catharstick
- Caught by the Dropkicks
- Chain of Command (anima power)
- Champion's Brand
- Chaos Invitation
- Chelonian Crest
- Chronomancer's Hourglass
- Claw of Endereth (anima power)
- Clouded Diamond
- Coffer of Spectral Whispers
- Commandment of Contagion
- Contained Perpetual Explosion (anima power)
- Corrosive Carbonation
- Corrupted Sapwood
- Creeping Freeze
- Crumbling Bulwark
- Dagger of Necrotic Wounding
- Dark Armaments
- Dark Fortress
- Dark Technique
- Darkened Ember
- Darkhelm of Nuren
- Darkreaver's Lens
- Darkwhisper Signet
- Death Hook
- Deathlord's Cypher
- Deathlord's Gift
- Deathlord's Invocation
- Deathlord's Legacy
- Deathlord's Lesson
- Deathlord's Mythos
- Deathseer Choker
- Deathseer's Satchel
- Deeply-Held Vow
- Deeptremor Stone (anima power)
- Defiance of Death
- Demonic Bias
- Disembodied Mystic Hands
- Distracting Charges
- Dowsing Rod (anima power)
- Draped Prism Shawl
- Draught of Midnight Blazes
- Dreadbound
- Dreamspun Mushrooms
- Dried Flower Petal
- Dripping Fang
- Earworm
- Echoes of Elisande
- Edgelurker
- Elemental Conduit (anima power)
- Elethium Alembic
- Elethium Beacon
- Elethium Censer
- Elethium Diffuser
- Elethium Lantern
- Elethium Lifegourd
- Elethium Muzzle
- Elethium Teardrop
- Elethium Veil
- Elethium Weights
- Elongated Skeletal Arms
- Empowered Bravery
- Empowered Hops
- Empowered Phantasma
- Empowered Regeneration
- Energy Focusing Crystal
- Ephemeral Effigy
- Erratic Howler
- Ever-Beating Heart
- Fading Memory Shards
- Fae Concentration
- Fallen Armaments
- Fallen Comrade's Blindfold
- Fan of Longswords
- Farseer's Cypher
- Farseer's Gift
- Farseer's Legacy
- Farseer's Lesson
- Farseer's Mythos
- Fatal Grasp
- Fel Scorched Contract
- Felborn Shield
- Felborn Torch
- Flame Jet (anima power)
- Flamestarved Cinders
- Flashbox
- Flask of Unbridled Darkness
- Forcewing
- Fractured Phantasma Lure
- Frostbite Wand
- Frostchipper
- Fury Wrappings
- Gavel of Judgement
- Gavel of True Judgment
- Gaze of Death
- Gift of Ardenweald
- Giving Tree
- Glasswing Charm
- Glorious Prayer
- Glory of Skyhold
- Gnarled Key
- Golden Idol
- Grandmaster's Cypher
- Grandmaster's Gift
- Grandmaster's Invocation
- Grandmaster's Legacy
- Grandmaster's Lesson
- Grandmaster's Mythos
- Grim Tinder
- Gruul's Shattered Toenail
- Hallowed Candle
- Handbook of Uncivil Etiquette
- Hardened Bark Sliver
- Harvester of Shadows
- Hateforged Cilice
- Hatred Core
- Heart of the Deathseer
- Heart of the Forge
- Heart-Seeking Fang
- Hell-Hardened Quartzite
- Hematoma Bat
- High Priest's Cypher
- High Priest's Gift
- High Priest's Invocation
- High Priest's Legacy
- High Priest's Lesson
- High Priest's Mythos
- Highlord's Gift
- Highlord's Invocation
- Highlord's Mythos
- Hollow Bones
- Horrific Dictionary
- Howling Soulcore
- Huddled Carvings
- Hunting Bola
- Huntmaster's Cypher
- Huntmaster's Gift
- Huntmaster's Invocation
- Huntmaster's Legacy
- Huntmaster's Lesson
- Huntmaster's Mythos
- Huntsman's Muzzle