Shadow Infuser

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MobShadow Infuser
Image of Shadow Infuser
Gender Female
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 40 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Iron Horde
Location Pits of Mannoroth, Hellfire Citadel
Status Killable

Shadow Infusers are fel orcs located in the Pits of Mannoroth in Hellfire Citadel.


  • Spell nature heavypolymorph2.png Fel Infection — The caster infects a random player with a Fel Infection that inflicts increasing Nature damage to the victim until they pass it to a nearby all by standing near them. When the infection jumps, the old host is infected with Fel Sickness.
  • Spell shadow mindflay.png Insanity — The caster causes a random player to go Insane. While Insane the victim will attack their allies until they are reduced to 50% health remaining. Insanity increases the victim's health by 100%, their damage dealt by 100%, and their healing dealt by 100%.
  • Inv elemental primal life.png Primal Energies — The caster focuses Primal Energies across 2 targets. Every 5 sec. the victims burst with 2018 Nature damage to all players within 5 yards.
  • Spell shadow shadowmend.png Residual Shadows — The caster focuses on a random enemy, periodically inflicting 1159 Shadow damage and creating a pool of Residual Shadows beneath the victim.

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