Shadow Charger

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NeutralShadow Charger
Image of Shadow Charger
Race Skeletal horse (Undead)
Level 18 - 19 / 85 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Shadowfang Keep

Shadow Chargers are level 18-85 elite skeletal horses that can be found in Shadowfang Keep.


  • Ability mount nightmarehorse.png Charge — Charges the most distant enemy, inflicting normal damage plus 150, then fears all nearby targets.
  • Spell shadow possession.png Fear — Strikes fear in nearby enemies, causing them to flee in terror for 4 sec.

Patch changes

Previous look
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Creature updated from a Felhorse to an undead horse.

External links

es:Destrero de la Sombra