Shado-Pan Novice

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MobShado-Pan Novice
Image of Shado-Pan Novice
Title <White Sash>
Gender Both
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 20-35 Normal / Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Shado-Pan
Location Snowdrift Dojo, Shado-Pan Monastery

Shado-Pan Novices are pandaren encountered before Master Snowdrift's encounter in the Shado-Pan Monastery.


  • Inv summerfest fireflower.png Fire Flower — The caster harnesses their spiritual energy into an explosive force in front of them. Enemies caught in the blast receive 266 Fire Damage. The force is so explosive that the caster is knocked down momentarily.
  • Ability heroicleap.png Flying Kick — The caster hurls themselves through the air, inflicting 188 physical damage to their target and knocking them back.
  • Inv weapon hand 30.png Hundred Hand Strike — Inflicting 188 Fire Damage to all enemies in front of the caster.
  • Spell holy fistofjustice.png Palm Strike — Inflicts 468 Physical damage to the target.
  • Ability parry.png Parry Stance — The caster assumes an entirely defensive posture wherein all attacks from the front will be parried or resisted. If the caster parries or resists an attack they will counter attack.

Criteria of


Welcome, outsiders. Master Snowdrift is waiting for you inside the school. Please remember to show proper respect to the Master.

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