Shade of Irik-tu

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NeutralShade of Irik-tu
Image of Shade of Irik-tu
Race Soul (Beast)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Exile's Hollow, Zereth Mortis[34.8, 48.8]
Status Active

The Shade of Irik-tu is a soul in the form of a tarachnid invisibly spying on Firim in Exile's Hollow in Zereth Mortis. Players can only see them while dead after completing N [60] A New Architect. Speaking with them gives the player  [Schematic: Ineffable Skitterer], after which they disappear.


In life, Irik-tu was an insectoid being who possessed a hundred eyes and spoke with four tongues, accompanied by clicking from their many legs. According to Firim, this makes their speech somewhat difficult to understand, and the name of their homeworld is almost impossible to comprehend, let alone write down. Irik-tu died in a terrible war when their home was ravaged by the Burning Legion. The Arbiter subsequently assigned their soul, along with those of others of their people, to an afterlife in the form of a hive where they could share a long and pleasant coexistence. After many ages spent caring for their kin, Irik-tu's soul ventured on and returned to Oribos to marvel at its splendor.

Firim—who was at that point searching the Shadowlands for others who shared his interest in the First Ones—ran into Irik-tu as they were passing through Oribos on their way to another destination. The broker begged the soul to speak with him, and they agreed, telling him about their homeworld and the mortal plane in general, as well as explaining—to the broker's great surprise—that the living did not trade in anima, unlike the denizens of the Shadowlands. Firim also asked about the origin of the mortal realm, to which Irik-tu explained that their people believed in a thousand-legged god whose eggs had brought forth all of existence. Firim privately dismissed this as nothing more than a superstitious fable and bid Irik-tu good journeys.[1] However, one thing Irik-tu had spoken of—"a thousand truths"—lingered in Firim's mind and allowed him to make more progress on his quest to learn more about the First Ones.[2]

Apparently unbeknownst to Firim, Irik-tu's soul invisibly followed him and his expedition to Zereth Mortis to spy on him. When Maw Walkers find the Shade of Irik-tu, they tell the heroes that they're not meant to be in Zereth Mortis yet and that their kind will ultimately be as "easy to manipulate" as Firim, before giving them a companion and telling them to leave.


You have reached a liminality where you should not be, Maw Walker. Mortals were not meant for this realm... not yet.
In the end, your kind will be as easy to manipulate as this broker was.
While I remain here with my hundred eyes fixed upon Firim, I offer you a companion of sorts. Take my gift, and begone.
Gossip I'll leave.

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