Setting Sabina Free

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NeutralSetting Sabina Free
Start Sabina
End Automatic
Level 58-60
Category Revendreth
Experience 13,650
Reputation +100 Court of Harvesters
Rewards 38g 25s 90c
Previous N [58-60] Safe in the Shadows and N [58-60] Rubble Rummaging


Release Sabina from her shackles.


Release me. Please, you must do so. I cannot linger in the Light any longer.

This unease, it's so... familiar, but it will pass. I will feel myself once again, once I have returned to the shade.

I'll stay as still as silence while you work the lock.


You will receive:


Sabina's end has found her. Ash is all that remains.


Click on Shackles.

Sabina says: My head... something is wrong...
Sabina says: You too will burn!
Sabina says: What... what is happening?
Sabina says: Nowhere to hide!
Sabina says: No, I refuse to succumb--!
Sabina says: No escaping the Light!
Sabina turns into an ash ghoul and attacks.
Sabina says: It ends... at last...

She drops  [Hopebreaker Pendant]. This concludes the Revelations of the Light portion of  [Sojourner of Revendreth].


  1. N [58-60] A Rousing Aroma
  2. N [58-60] Safe in the Shadows and N [58-60] Rubble Rummaging
  3. N [58-60] Setting Sabina Free

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