Safe in the Shadows

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NeutralSafe in the Shadows
Start Sabina
End Sabina
Level 58-60
Category Revendreth
Experience 13,650
Reputation +100 Court of Harvesters
Rewards 38g 25s 90c
Previous N [58-60] A Rousing Aroma
Next N [58-60] Setting Sabina Free


Find out what happened to Sabina's companions.

  • Find Sabina's companions (3)
  • Search for clues


I cannot recollect what happened. Perhaps the Light has burdened my memory? Who knows how long I've been out here...

The last thing I remember before things went dark... my companions and I had finally found refuge in the shadows. I worry for their well-being.

So long as my assailants remain at large, my companions could be in danger. Will you find them and ensure they're still safe in the shadows?


You will receive:


Have you found them?


They've perished? Are you sure? Who could have done something so cruel...


Find the dead venthyr - Remus, Lenusa, and Miron. Next to them are a Light Satchel, Tattered Journal, and Stained Dagger.

Light Satchel
<Despite Sabina's claims of being robbed, the contents within have not been disturbed.>
Tattered Journal
We have yet to find sanctuary, though not for a lack of trying.
We're all freeing the effects of the Light, though Sabina seems to struggle most. She hasn't been herself lately, often staring into the distance, repeating words...
We need to find shelter soon, or I fear she will turn to ash.
Stained Dagger
<The hilt is engraved with a monogram of the letter S.>


  1. N [58-60] A Rousing Aroma
  2. N [58-60] Safe in the Shadows and N [58-60] Rubble Rummaging
  3. N [58-60] Setting Sabina Free

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