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Image of Servo
Race Harvest golem (Mechanical)
Level 5
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Badlands[27.0, 45.0]
Companion(s) Lotwil Veriatus (Master), Lucien Tosselwrench (Lotwil's research assistant)

Servo, the loyal mechanical guardian of Lotwil Veriatus, once resided in the Badlands. He didn't survive long if he was attacked, but luckily, Lotwil's assistant Lucien Tosselwrench was quite good at repairs.


"One day I'll be a real boy." A reference to the Disney movie Pinochio.
"Whizzers.... check. Gizmos... check. Ready to roll!"
"We can make it better, stronger, faster. We have the technology. We have the magic." A reference to the movie The Six Million Dollar Man.
"Master, where have all the trees gone?"
"I am well versed in over 4 languages." A reference to C-3PO.
"It is dangerous here, Master. But I shall help you stand guard."
"It can get really hot here in the Badlands. But at least it's a dry heat."
"Brzt... click... whir..."


Patch changes

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