Server:Warsong Europe

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This article is an information page for the Warsong realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

Realms.gif  Warsong EU (PvP)
Spell shadow gathershadows.pngBlackout (EN) »
PT Portuguese language servers

Warsong was one of the original launch servers. It used to be one of the only European servers where the Horde actually outnumbered the Alliance. This was a result of the first massive cross-realm migration to Twilight's Hammer. The faction balance was somewhat restored after the last cross-server migration. Warsong also held the highest concentration of Russian-speaking players amongst all the European realms.

Warsong was one of the few World of Warcraft realms that experienced five cross-realm migrations - first to Twilight's Hammer, second to Neptulon, third to Emeriss, fourth to Stonemaul, and finally to Molten Core.

Warsong, along with three other realms that were predominantly populated by Russian players (Molten Core, Shadowmoon and Stonemaul), was closed down shortly after Wrath of the Lich King was officially launched in Europe. Free migrations to the realms of the newly opened Russian server group were offered to the population of the server; those who chose to stay, however, were offered free transfers to chosen European realms. The servers were shut down and are most likely used for the new realms that opened with the launch of the second expansion.[1][2] It's also worth noticing that it was an unprecedented event - since the launch of the original game not a single realm has ever been permanently closed down before.

The server was named after Warsong Clan - an orcish clan, formerly led by Grom Hellscream and now led by his headstrong son Garrosh Hellscream.


Please note that this realm no longer exists. The information is kept for historical purposes and shows the state of things right before Warsong was closed down.

Alliance Crest Alliance »

Apocalypse ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
Dragons ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
Duskmoon ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
Gnomereganians ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
Eclipse ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
Last Hour ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
M I B ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
Reliance ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
Roof of the Universe ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
Snenanigans ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory

Horde Crest Horde »

Alpha Morth ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
Comrades ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
Delirium Tremens ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
Horde Empire ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
Last Wish ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
RP ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
Storm ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
Siberian Morgue ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
Ultimate Power ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
VII Legion ElinkIcon-armory.pngArmory
