Server:Sisters of Elune US/Valdarin

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- Overview -

Valdarin Ravencrest was a Night Elf Warrior on the Sisters of Elune server. A wanderer of Kalimdor a majority of his life after witnessing the War of the Ancients and the destruction of his homeland he resided later in life at the guildhall of Shadow of the Moon before his death during the events of Summer's Twilight.

Valdarin Ravencrest
Faction Alliance
Gender Male
Race Night Elf
Class Warrior
Professions Sellsword, Blacksmithing
Realm Sisters of Elune US
Guild SShadow of the Moon

== General Information ==

=== Personality ===

Slow to anger, slow to cool down. Valdarin was a night elf who could be described as gruff to outsiders, but was also known to be tender hearted to persons or matters important to him.

=== History ===

Upon his death his soul hurtled through the Twisting Nether in agony until his fragmented consciousness was restored and imprisoned within the corpse of one of the fallen Knights of the Silver Hand in the former Scourge Necropolis Acherus: The Ebon Hold. Here what little of his sanity was left melded with the fallen knight's to become Zaxos Blackrook.