Server:Kul Tiras US/Lionshire

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This is a silly article.
The content of this article is not part of official Warcraft lore, but has nevertheless become part of the World of Warcraft culture or community.

Lionshire is the name of the unofficial "First Player-Owned WoW Town" originally envisioned by the human mage Andalite in the popular MMORPG "World of Warcraft." Its fame began when Andalite posted a thread called Lionshire -- The First Player-Owned WoW Town in the Kul Tiras forums of the Blizzard website March 19 2007. Noted for the heavy role playing elements involved, and for being somewhat misguided on a non-role playing realm, Lionshire took off to spawn a lore all its own.

11-28-2007: Since Andalite deleted his original posts, they have been recreated as faithfully as possible from backups at Lionshire Backup.


Lionshire was intended to be a player run community with members in both the Alliance and Horde. The location of Lionshire is referenced at the very end of the original post:

"Chapter 10. Areas

We are located in the Stonefield farm and the Maclure Vineyards, near Westbrook Garrison. This place is in the South of Elywnn. Please refrain using PvP when entering Alliance territory as that can and will cause difficulties and uneasiness."

The Merchant Corner was intended to be a replacement for the neutral and factional Auction House's. Merchants would hawk their wares to passersby in an attempt to earn an income.

Ranks and Leadership

Community Posts

Mayor: Andalite, leader of the town

Watchmen: Basic functionality of a scout, would announce impending enemy attacks to the town

Merchant: Seller of wares

Emissaries: Cross-factional ambassadors, to facilitate in-town communication

Peace-keeper: Prevents PvP against both factions Military Ranks

Felbane Vanquishers: Level 60-70 Player Characters - (Horde and Alliance)

Razormaw Guardian: Level 50-60 Player Characters - (Horde and Alliance)

Phoenix Sentinel: Level 40-50 Player Characters - (Horde and Alliance)

Raptorfang: Level 30-40 Player Characters - (Horde)

Saberclaw: Level 30-40 Player Characters - (Alliance)

Lycantooth: Level 20-30 Player Characters - (Horde)

Lionheart: Level 20-30 Player Characters - (Alliance)

Civilian: Level 10-20 Player Characters - (Horde and Alliance)

Additional Ranks

King/Emperor: Nidget (through bloody coup, page 3 of the original post)

Leader: Fooman (through visual confirmation, passing of the torch)

Champion to the King: Bigbeartx (through general championing of Nidget)

Sheriff: Brianrietta (Confirmation of Brianrieta)

Deputy: Zoop (self-appointed, confirmed by Emperor Nidget in thread Possible Guild X-fer, info please)

Allies and Enemies


Naaru Royal Guard


Honor Freaks (not a guild, people who farm honor points)
Nidget and his followers (shortlived, Nidget and his followers are now the rulers of Lionshire)
The Alliance Army (a guild)
Core (a guild)


The original Lionshire emblem was as follows:


The emblem was later changed in the forum post "Andalite LIVES! Screenshot Proof!" by forum user Gricend:

Andalite LIVES! Screenshot Proof!"

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Proposed Emblem (Bigbeartx):



The Lionshire Meter (Bigbeartx):

The Official Lionshire Meter

External links