Server:Kilrogg Europe/Leatherworking

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This article is an information page for the Kilrogg realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

Leatherworking on Kilrogg EU

Leather armor

Alliance Alliance
Horde Horde
[Belt of Deep Shadow] Newra
[Belt of Natural Power] Newra
[Bracers of Renewed Life] Newra
[Cobrascale Gloves] Mirham
[Cobrascale Hood]
[Fel Leather Gloves] Newra
[Fel Leather Boots] Newra
[Fel Leather Leggings] Newra
[Gloves of the Living Touch]
[Hood of Primal Life]
[Shadowprowler's Chestguard] Mirham, Newra
[Stylin' Jungle Hat] Newra
[Stylin' Purple Hat] Newra
[Swiftstrike Bracers]
[Windscale Hood]
[Windslayer Wraps]
[Enchanted Clefthoof Boots]
[Enchanted Clefthoof Gloves]
[Enchanted Clefthoof Leggings]
[Blastguard Belt] Newra
[Blastguard Boots] Newra
[Blastguard Pants] Newra
None added
Nature Resistance
None added
Shadow Resistance
[Redeemed Soul Cinch] Newra
[Redeemed Soul Legguards] Newra
[Redeemed Soul Moccasins] Newra
[Redeemed Soul Wristguards] Newra
[Belt of the Black Eagle]
[Bindings of Lightning Reflexes]
[Earthen Netherscale Boots]
[Felstalker Belt] Mirham, Newra
[Felstalker Bracers] Mirham, Newra
[Felstalker Breastplate] Mirham, Newra
[Living Dragonscale Helm]
[Living Earth Bindings]
[Monsoon Belt] Newra
[Netherdrake Gloves]
[Netherdrake Helm]
[Netherfury Belt]
[Netherfury Boots]
[Netherfury Leggings]
[Stylin' Adventure Hat]
[Stylin' Crimson Hat]
[Thick Netherscale Breastplate]
[Windstrike Gloves]
[Enchanted Felscale Boots]
[Enchanted Felscale Gloves]
[Enchanted Felscale Leggings]
[Flamescale Belt] Newra
[Flamescale Boots] Newra
[Flamescale Leggings] Newra
None added
Nature Resistance
None added
Shadow Resistance
[Bracers of Shackled Souls] Newra
[Boots of Shackled Souls] Newra
[Greaves of Shackled Souls] Newra
[Waistguard of Shackled Souls] Newra
[Arcane Armor Kit] Newra
[Flame Armor Kit] Newra
[Frost Armor Kit] Newra
[Magister's Armor Kit]
[Nature Armor Kit] Mirham, Newra
[Nethercleft Leg Armor] Mirham, Newra
[Nethercobra Leg Armor] Mirham, Newra
[Shadow Armor Kit]
[Vindicator's Armor Kit] Newra
[Drums of Battle] Mirham, Newra
[Drums of Panic] Mirham, Newra
[Drums of Restoration] Mirham
[Drums of Speed] Mirham
[Bag of Many Hides] Newra
[Netherscale Ammo Pouch] Mirham
[Quiver of a Thousand Feathers] Mirham, Newra
[Reinforced Mining Bag] Mirham, Newra
[Cloak of Darkness] Mirham, Newra