Server:Ghostlands US/Guild Progression

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This article is a guild progression information page for the Ghostlands US realm (server).

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. This page includes a list of guilds that have accomplished a particular task (usually by defeating a major boss). The list should not be taken to be 100% accurate, as it only contains data that has been submitted/added by users of the community. Thus, if you have information you can add, and contribute to the list, it will become more complete.

This is a friendly gauge of progression through the game by the major guilds on Ghostlands. It serves two purposes:

  1. Answering questions on progression of guilds on Ghostlands
  2. Encouraging camaraderie by matching up your guild's progression against similar guilds

An interesting site that uses armory to "rank" guilds by tabulating boss kills is here:

It is not entirely accurate, as someone with gear from one boss may change guilds, guilds may disband and reform, etc. Nonetheless, it is an interesting site worth glancing at.

Wrath of the Lich King

Just as a note, data for this section being pulled from the Blizzard Ghostlands Realm Forum: Progression Thread, any changes past the edit date to that post may or may not be current.

Heroic Raid Content (25-Man)


The Burning Crusade

25-Man Raid Content


Guild Gruul's Lair Magtheridon Serpentshrine Tempest Keep Mount Hyjal Black Temple
Alliance Epics FTW Gruul Magtheridon (HBKML) Fathom-Lord1 (VAS) Al'ar1
Alliance Vision Gruul Magtheridon (HBKML) Leotheras (VAS) Al'ar
Alliance Prodigy Gruul1 Magtheridon (HBKML) Leotheras (VAS) Al'ar Anetheron
Alliance Conquest Gruul (HBM) Morogrim (VAS) Solarian
Alliance Shadows Edge Gruul Magtheridon (HBKML) Fathom-Lord (VAS) Solarian Anetheron High Warlord Naj'entus
Alliance Double Fisted AKA Indecisive Gruul Magtheridon (HBKML) Leotheras (VAS) Al'ar Azgalor Mother Shahraz
Alliance Oppression Gruul
Alliance Lithium Maulgar
Horde Cult of Cthulhu Gruul Magtheridon1 (HBM) Morogrim (V) Void Reaver
Horde Enforcers of Chaos Gruul Magtheridon (HBKMLV) Vashj1 (VA)Al'ar
Horde Jane n Finch Gruul Magtheridon (B) Lurker (VS) Solarian1
Horde Shinigami Gruul (HB) Lurker (V) Void Reaver
Horde Onyx Gruul Magtheridon (HBKM) Morogrim (VS) Solarian

1 Indicates the first time this instance was cleared to this boss for that faction.

10-man Progression/World Bosses


Guild Karazhan Zul'Aman World Bosses
HordeConviction Nightbane Hex Lord Malacrass1
HordeEnforcers of Chaos Nightbane (NAJHM)Zul'jin
HordeCult of Cthullu Nightbane (NAJHM)Zul'jin1
HordeJane n Finch Nightbane (NAJH) Halazzi
HordeOnyx Nightbane (NAJHM) Zul'Jin
HordeLichbane Clan Nightbane (NAJ) Jan'Alai
HordeShinigami Nightbane (NAH) Halazzi
HordeFist of Gamon Nightbane (NA) Akil'zon
HordeConviction Nightbane
HordeDeinen Mutter Nightbane
HordeDreadguard Nightbane
HordeRetrospect Nightbane
HordeUnrelenting Chaos Prince Malchezaar
HordeLegion of DoomHammer (AMV) Maiden of Virtue
HordeInfernal Legion Nightbane (NAJHM)Zul'jin1
AllianceShadows Edge Nightbane Hex Lord Malacrass Doom Lord Kazzak1 - Doomwalker1
AllianceEpics FTW Nightbane Hex Lord Malacrass
AllianceConquest Nightbane Hex Lord Malacrass1
AllianceIndecisive (DFisted) Nightbane Zul'jin
AllianceShattered Oath Nightbane Hex Lord Malacrass
AllianceProdigy Nightbane1 (NAJHMZ) Zul'jin Doom Lord Kazzak Doomwalker
AllianceLithium Nightbane
AllianceVindication Nightbane
AllianceVision Nightbane
AllianceNot Invented Here The Curator

1 Indicates the first time this instance was cleared (or world boss was killed) for that faction.