Server:Firetree US/Burning Crusade 25 Man

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This article is an information page for the Firetree realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

Pos. Guild Gruul's Lair Magtheridon's Lair Serpentshrine Cavern The Eye Battle of Mt. Hyjal Black Temple
1. Horde Ballas Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1) Lady Vashj (6/ 6) Kael'thas Sunstrider (5/ 5) Archimonde (5/ 5) Illidan Stormrage (9/ 9)
2. Alliance Riven Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1) Lady Vashj (6/ 6) Kael'thas Sunstrider (5/ 5) Archimonde (5/ 5) Illidan Stormrage (9/ 9)
3. Alliance Legendary Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1) Lady Vashj (6/ 6) Kael'thas Sunstrider (5/ 5) Kaz'rogal (3/ 5) Teron Gorefiend (4/ 9)
4. Alliance Chosen Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1) Hydross the Unstable (1/ 6) Void Reaver (1/ 5) Rage Winterchill (1/ 5)
5. Alliance Erinynes Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1) Leotheras the Blind (5/ 6)
6. Alliance Ars Praelium Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1) Lady Vashj (6/ 6) Kael'thas Sunstrider (5/ 5) Archimonde (5/ 5) Illidan Stormrage (9/ 9)
7. Alliance Centenum Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1) Fathom-Lord (2/ 6) Al'ar (2/5)
8. Alliance Mew Mew Cuddle Squad Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1) Fathom Lord (2/ 6) Void Reaver (1/ 5)
9. Horde Strawberry Banana Fusion Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1) Hydross the Unstable (1/ 6) Void Reaver (1/ 5)
10. Horde No Life Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1) Hydross the Unstable (1/ 6) Void Reaver (1/ 5)
10. Alliance Displaced Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1) Hydross the Unstable (1/ 6) Void Reaver (1/ 5)
10. Horde Vanquish Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1) Hydross the Unstable (1/ 6) Void Reaver (1/ 5)
10. Alliance Cynical Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1) Hydross the Unstable (1/ 6) Void Reaver (1/ 5)
10. Alliance Knight Guard Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1) Hydross the Unstable (1/ 6) Void Reaver (1/ 5)
15. Horde Toolbox Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1) Void Reaver (1/ 5)
16. Alliance Defiance Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1) Hydross the Unstable (1/ 6)
17. Alliance tlc Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1)
17. Horde From Ashes Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1)
17. Horde Shafted Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2) Magtheridon (1/ 1)
20. Alliance Definity Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2)
20. Horde The Untouchables Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2)
20. Alliance Empyrean Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2)
20. Alliance C a e l e s t i s Gruul the Dragonkiller (2/ 2)
24. Horde Fallen Fury High King Maulgar (1/ 2)
24. Alliance Lux Aeterna High King Maulgar (1/ 2)
24. Horde An I Evil High King Maulgar (1/ 2)
24. Horde True High King Maulgar (1/ 2)
24. Alliance Storm High King Maulgar (1/ 2)