Send Them Running

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HordeSend Them Running
Start Provisioner Naya
End Provisioner Naya
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 14,240 XP
Rewards  [Auchenai Keeper Leggings]
 [Talador Sentinel Breeches]
 [Sha'tari Deadeye Leggings]
 [Sha'tari Keeper Legguards]
Previous H [20-40] Logistical Nightmare


Slay Vicegnaw just outside Vol'jin's Pride.


Your scouts have located the saberon's alpha male just outside our gates!

Commander, I believe that dispatching this target will send any of these remaining vermin running back to their caves.

I do not wish to ask more of you, but you are the only one capable of this task, <sir/ma'am>.


Have you collected the unrefined power crystals I need for my research?


For <name>! For the Horde!


You will receive one of:

Item level 545 legs
Inv pant cloth draenorquest90 b 01.png [Auchenai Keeper Leggings] Inv pant leather draenorquest90 b 01.png [Talador Sentinel Breeches]
Inv mail draenorquest90 b 01pant.png [Sha'tari Deadeye Leggings] Inv plate draenorquest90 b 01pant.png [Sha'tari Keeper Legguards]

You will also receive: 13g


Patch changes

External links