Logistical Nightmare

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HordeLogistical Nightmare
Start Provisioner Naya
End Provisioner Naya
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 14,240 XP
Rewards 13g
Next H [20-40] Send Them Running


Retrieve 5 Sacks of Supplies and 5 Garrison Records.


Commander, I am afraid I have... troubling... news.

These saberon followed our encampment from Gorgrond, and have been stealing our supplies, ransacking our ledgers, and slaughtering our peons!

I hate to ask of your time to deal with the matter, but all of our men are stationed guarding the camp from any further raids. We desperately need those supplies so we may enact your will!


Commander! Have you had time to locate our supplies and ledgers?


I never doubted you for a moment. You are truly a commander of the people.

Lok'tar ogar!


You will receive: 13g


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