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Title <Herald of Mist>
Gender Male
Race Vrykul (Humanoid)
Level 10-45 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Helarjar
Location Grey Shoals, Azsuna
Status Killable

Seirdr is a vrykul found at Grey Shoals in Azsuna.


  • Brackish Bolt - Fires a bolt of foul water at the target inflicting Nature damage.
  • Choking Mists - Creates an area of toxic mists that inflict Nature damage every 1 sec to anyone standing within them.


Objective of


  • Drown in agony!
  • I will bathe in your blood!
  • I will wear your bones!
  • The mists take you!
  • You cannot escape!
  • You will never leave!
  • You will not win this fight!
  • Your corpse is another gift for Helya!

Patch changes

External links