Secrets of the Shadow Council

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AllianceSecrets of the Shadow Council
Start Vindicator Krethos
End Vindicator Krethos
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Type Daily
Category Tanaan Jungle
Experience 15,070
Reputation +250 Hand of the Prophet
Rewards [Apexis Crystal] (500)
15g 40s
Repeatable Yes
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [40 Daily] Secrets of the Shadow Council.


Collect 20 Shadow Council Missives from Shadow Council representatives in the Ruins of Kra'nak or the Throne of Kil'jaeden.


Gul'dan has been building a spy network for himself - the so-called "Shadow Council". As they struggle to control Tanaan, the Shadow Council has grown careless. Their members are out in the open, recruiting arakkoa at the Ruins of Kra'nak or summoning demons at the Throne of Kil'jaeden.

Find members of the Shadow Council and acquire any intelligence they were foolish enough not to destroy!


What have you learned?


Yes, yes, so many papers... Ah, some of this is in code. It's all very crude, though. Our scholars will learn much from this. Well done commander!


You will receive: 15g 40s


Patch changes

External links