Secrets of Elune (2)

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AllianceSecrets of Elune
Start Nara Meideros
End Syrnoya
Level 20 (Requires 17)
Category Priest
Races IconSmall Dwarf Male.gifIconSmall Dwarf Female.gif Dwarf
IconSmall Human Male.gifIconSmall Human Female.gif Human
Class Priest Priest
Previous A Priest [20] Secrets of Elune


Bring the phial to Syrnoya at the Auberdine moonwell.


The moonwells contain Elune's blessing, but they are also a symbol of the connections we all share. Take this phial of water from Stormwind's moonwell to the one in Auberdine, on the shores of Kalimdor. As the waters combine, so too will your spirit combine with that of the kaldorei.


<Syrnoya adds the water of the phial to the moonwell>

Elune's favor is with you, <name>. When your travels take you to other moonwells, stop for a moment and you may receive her blessing.


Completing this quest allows dwarf and human priests to meditate at moonwells.

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