Secretion and Subterfuge

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NeutralSecretion and Subterfuge
Start Baristolth of the Shifting Sands
End Baristolth of the Shifting Sands
Level 57 (Requires 54)
Category Silithus
Experience 9,010
Reputation +250 Cenarion Circle
Rewards 85s
Previous N [57] Baristolth's Plan
Next N [57] Riding in Plain Sight


Collect 8 Hive'Ashi Secretion Glands from any Silithid in Hive'Ashi.


I've seen no cultists wandering the surface of Hive'Ashi to the north. With any luck, we can make our preparations without being noticed.

One of the organs of the silithid is used to secrete a thick sludge that hardens in the air. This is used to build hives, and by some to lay eggs.

Bring me enough of these organs to cover someone twice your height, and do not venture far into the hives just yet.


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