Seasoned Wolf Kabobs (Classic)

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For the retail version of this quest, see A [10-30] Seasoned Wolf Kabobs.
AllianceSeasoned Wolf Kabobs
Start Chef Grual
End Chef Grual
Level 25 (Requires 18)
Category Duskwood
Experience 2,000
Reputation +100 Stormwind
Rewards  [Seasoned Wolf Kabob] x4,  [Recipe: Seasoned Wolf Kabob]


Gather 10 Lean Wolf Flanks and Stormwind Seasoning Herbs and return to Chef Grual in Darkshire.


Seasoned Wolf Kabobs are a house favorite! Sure, I can make you some. But first I'll need the supplies. Bring me 10 Lean Wolf Flanks as well as some Stormwind Seasoning Herbs. There are so many wolves here in the forest, I am sure finding the Flanks will be no problem. For the herbs, seek out Felicia Gump in her canal district flower shop in Stormwind.


You will receive:
Inv misc food 16.png 4x [Seasoned Wolf Kabob] Inv scroll 03.png [Recipe: Seasoned Wolf Kabob]

You will also receive:


Were you able to find 10 Lean Wolf Flanks yet?  How about the herbs from Felicia in Stormwind?


Very nice work, <name>!  Enjoy the delicacy known as Seasoned Wolf Kabob!


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