Seacursed Swiftblade

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MobSeacursed Swiftblade
Image of Seacursed Swiftblade
Gender Male
Race Kvaldir (Humanoid)
Level 10-45 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Naglfar, Maw of Souls
Status Killable

Seacursed Swiftblades are kvaldir located on the Naglfar in the Maw of Souls.


  • Inv sword 02.png Deceptive Strike — Dashes into the shadows, creating several ghostly images. The true version then strikes enemies in a 5 yard hemisphere, inflicting 1502 Shadow damage.
  • Spell magic lesserinvisibilty.png Sea Legs — Showcases excellent competency with evading in the rough open seas, gaining 50% Ranged and Spell Deflection and 50% Dodge for 6 sec.
  • Spell shadow ritualofsacrifice.png Very Sinister Strike — Slyly strikes a target, inflicting 100% normal damage as Shadow.

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