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Start Lashh'an Tome
End Daranelle
Level 20-30
Category Blade's Edge Mountains
Experience 8550 EXP (or 5g 13s at level 70)
Rewards 3g 50s
Previous A [20-30] Malaise


Use the  [Fistful of Feathers] on the Lashh'an Spell Circle, then return to Daranelle at Sylvanaar before the kaliri spirit fades.


The pictograms indicate using feathers to cast the spell at one of the circles of power in Veil Lashh.

Confusing iconography seems to show an arakkoa being suffused with the spirit of a kaliri.


You will receive:3g 50s


This is exciting! I can't wait to examine the workings of the spell.


I don't know what to say. This spell is very strange. It is not a simple conjuration or enchantment, but some sort of communion or communication spell.

I'm not sure what to make of it, <name>. I'll have to think about it some more.

But thanks for your help, anyways! I'm sure I'll think through this sooner or later.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 8550 XP (or 5g 13s at level 70)


Completing the spell buffs you with "Lash'an Channeling: You have been infused with the spirit of the kaliri." It will last for 10 minutes. On returning to Daranelle she will say:

Daranelle says: Good, <name>, you are under the spell's influence. I must analyze it quickly, then we can talk.


  1. A [20-30] Malaise
  2. A [20-30] Scratches

External links