Scouting the Crimson Thicket

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NeutralScouting the Crimson Thicket
Start Solendra Featherdown
End Lilryia Dawnwind
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Suramar
Experience 8,230
Rewards 9g 70s
Previous N [45] Eminent Grow-main
Next N [45] Turn Around, Nighteyes


Find Lilryia Dawnwind in Dawncleft.


If you are heading east, there is something I would ask of you.

While we struck camp some of our caravan left to scout around the city. Lilryia Dawnwind has been gone too long.

I would be most grateful if you would go check on her safety. She said she was going to scout out the ruins of Dawncleft.


You will receive: 9g 70s


You could not have arrived at a better time, <race>.



  1. N [45] Scouting the Crimson Thicket
  2. N [45] Turn Around, Nighteyes
  3. N [45] Trapping Evolved & N [45] They Become The Hunted

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