Turn Around, Nighteyes

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NeutralTurn Around, Nighteyes
Start Lilryia Dawnwind
End Lilryia Dawnwind
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Suramar
Experience 16,450
Rewards  [Enchanted Nightborne Coin]
19g 40s
Previous N [45] Scouting the Crimson Thicket
Next N [45] Trapping Evolved, N [45] They Become The Hunted


Help Lilryia Dawnwind find Nighteyes.


Stranger, you must help me!

Nighteyes, my old friend... he was scouting ahead and I heard him cry out a warning. I tried to run after him, but in my carelessness I stepped in this trap.

He's so close, just on the other side of this ridge. Please find him!


You will receive: 19g 40s
Inv misc coin 17.png [Enchanted Nightborne Coin]


You must find Nighteyes!


Thank you, <race>. I will tend to Nighteyes' wounds. Tell me what happened!



Trapper Rodoon killed
Nighteyes hoots at you in a grateful tone.
He flies away.


  • The name of this quest is a reference to the 1983 song "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler and Meat Loaf, where the latter says the phrase "Turn around, Bright Eyes" as part of the background chorus in response to the former's lyrics.


  1. N [45] Scouting the Crimson Thicket
  2. N [45] Turn Around, Nighteyes
  3. N [45] Trapping Evolved & N [45] They Become The Hunted

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