Scientific Meat-thod

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NeutralScientific Meat-thod
Start Iyali
End Iyali
Level 60-62
Category The Waking Shores
Experience 9,800
Reputation +250 Dragonscale Expedition
Rewards 23g 40s
Shareable Yes
Next N [60-62] Secret Research


Collect 1 piece of Extra-Delicious Riverbeast Meat.


So, I have, uh, more homework... Professor Tyrgon's lessons are super tough! He wants us to find out what proto-whelps, uh, eat! Yeah...

I already know the answer! It's riverbeast meat!

Can you bring me a piece of riverbeast meat? Some riverbeast meat would be a great "visual aid" for my project.

But it has to be a REALLY good piece, ok? Like... the ones from Pudgy Riverbeasts. One like a momma proto-drake would give their whelp to make them strong because, uh, it will make Mister Tyrgon happy.


You will receive:


Mom says food makes everyone happy.

Maybe it will be friends with me then...

I mean, we'll all be friends! And Professor Tyrgon won't give me a bad grade if I make Riverbeast meat part of my project!


Oh, wow! That's the most delicious-looking meat I've EVER seen! My project will get the BEST grade. The proto-whelp will definitely want this!

<Iyali's expression is suddenly filled with concern.>

Oh no!

I mean, uh, everyone will lwant[sic] to copy me... for the project!

<Iyali smiles unconvincingly.>


Upon accept of both
Ji-eun says: Do you think they will help us with the--
Iyali says: Shhhh! They're going to hear you, Ji-eun.
Upon completion
Ji-eun says: Tell them, Iyali! Tell them!
Iyali says: Ji-eun! I said I'd do it! Sheesh.


  1. N [60-62] Behavior Analysis "Homework" & N [60-62] Scientific Meat-thod
  2. N [60-62] Secret Research
  3. N [60-62] Identifying the Source & N [60-62] Bring In the Expert
  4. N [60-62] Theory in Practice

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